Fish Farming
- Do not add feed and fertilizer in the pool
- Aerate the pond early in the morning and late in the evening or release fresh water from the tubewell
- Aerate the pool during the day during continuous cloudy conditions.
- Replace 10-20% of pool water with fresh water
- Add lime to the pool as needed
- Add Cefax or potassium permanganate to keep the pool sterile
- Add Butox (10-15 ml / acre) thrice a week to prevent infestation of Argulus lice.
- Inspect fish caught for sale weighing more than 500 grams, so that the disease can be detected in time.
- Continue the work done in January.
- To prevent overcrowding of fish in the pond, hang common (aquatic plants) or artificial (ropes, sacks, etc.) articles in the base water as a way to remove eggs of common carp fish from the pond.
- Start feeding the fish one percent of its total weight during the third or fourth week of the month depending on the temperature.
- Continuing the work of February, by the third / fourth week of March, sell all the fish weighing more than half kg.
- Wrap nylon thread over the pond to protect it from prey birds.
- Buy a ready-made diet (pellet diet) or prepare your own as recommended.
- Increase the water level (depth) in the pond (5-6 feet).
- Stock fingerlings from nursery ponds in production ponds (4000 / acre).
- Add water plants, feed or green vegetables at 4-5% of grass carps weight for diet.
- Feed rest of the fishes daily after sunrise at the rate of 1.5-2.0% of their total weight.
- Add recommended amount of indigenous or chemical fertilizers after 15 days in the pond.
- Add lime in the pool (if pH is less than 8.5).
- Increase the water level (depth) in the pond (5-6 feet).
- Add feed, fertilizer and lime to the pond as per the month of April.
- Replace 10-20% of pool water with fresh water.
- Aeration of pool with fresh water should be done in the morning.
- If fish are seen breathing out of the pond, immediately release fresh water for aeration.
- Add feed, fertilizer, lime and replace water for aeration of the pond as per April / May.
- In case of moss in the pond, stop feeding the fish.
- Plant grass on inner side of ponds to prevent erosion of pond embankments during monsoon.
- To maintain pH of water after rain, add lime.
- If the water pH exceeds 9.5, consult an expert and apply gypsum or alum.
- Add fresh water for aeration of pool in the morning.
- Replace 10-20% of pool water with fresh water.
- After every 15-20 days increase the feed according to the increasing weight of the fish.
- Continue the same work as done for the month of June.
- Aeration should be done during the day on cloudy days.
- If fish are seen breathing out of the water, immediately release fresh water for aeration in the pond.
- Irrigate paddy with pond water.
- Be sure to leave 1.5-2.0 feet of open space in the pond to prevent the fish from spilling out of the pond due to rain.
- Take a spawn from the hatchery and stock it in the nursery pond to make fingerlings.
- Continue the activities done during June-July
- Continue the activities done during June-July.
- Add fertilizer to the pond every week or 15 days depending on the color of the water.
- Start selling fish heavier than 500 grams.
- Carefully inspect the fish caught for sale for early detection of disease and parasitic infestation and get proper treatment.
- Use common (water plants) or artificial (ropes, sacks, etc.) articles in the base water to extract common carp fish eggs from the pond.
- Keep proper record of all fishes taken out of the pond for sale and add exact amount of fingerlings in the pond.
- Reduce the fish diet by 25-75% as the temperature decreases.
- In case of algae in the pond, stop feeding the fish.
- Use fertilizers in the pond according to the color of the water.
- Continue using lime and aeration in the pond
- Add Cefax or potassium permanganate to disinfect the pool.
- Carefully inspect the fish weighing more than 500 grams caught for sale for early detection of disease and parasitic infestation and to get proper treatment.
- Replace the exact number of fishes caught by the fingerlings in pond.
- Stop use of feed and fertilizers.
- Increase water level (depth) to 6 feet.
- Use lime as per need in the pool
- Aerate the pond in the morning during cloudy days.
- Fresh tubewell water can be used to aerate the pool late in the evening.
- Plant trees around the pond.
- If fish are seen breathing out of the water, immediately release fresh water for aeration.
- In case of Argulus lice, apply Butox medicine (10-15 ml / acre) in the pond thrice a week.
- Sell fishes heavier than 500 gram