Q1. Where the semen is deposited during artificial insemination in uterus of buffalo?

The catheter is passed through the spiral folds of the buffalo’s cervix into the uterus. Part of the semen is deposited inside the uterus and the remainder in the cervix.

  • Cattle/ buffalo – 208

  • Horse -200

  • Dog -291

  • Fowl -169

  • Pig-274

Intestinal obstructions occur in all large animal species but are most common in horses. Cattle are the most commonly affected ruminants; sheep, goats and pigs are rarely affected.

The gestation period in different animals are

  • Cow – 278- 290 days

  • Buffalo – 305-332 days

  • Sheep  – 143-159days

  • Goat – 147-155 days

  • Mare– 329- 346 days

  • Sow– 112 to 116 days

  • Bitch – 58 to 65 days

The pulse in cattle and buffalo can be recorded from middle coccygeal artery in tail.

Bovine stomach has four parts i.e. rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum

The foreign bodies fall in reticulum through rumino-reticular groove. The reticulum lies immediately behind the diaphragm. If the foreign body is pointed it can pierce through diaphragm into pericardium of heart causing traumatic reticulo-pericarditis. To prevent this, magnet is placed in reticulum so that all the iron objects can stick to magnet.

Medial patellar ligament is incised during stringhalt operation/ saran in buffalo.

On the basis of following characters we can differentiate between male and female birds

  1. Thecocks have larger, brighter and more pronounced combs.

  2. Roosters have larger wattles. 

  3. Neck feathers called hackle feathers, are rounder and shorter on a hen. On a rooster, they are longer and pointier. 

  4. Male chickens have thicker legs than the females. 

  5. Hens tend to be more timid but roosters are always more assertive.

Milk leakage in dairy cows is a symptom of impaired teat sphincter function and is related to an increased risk of mastitis in cow.