Cows do not eat soil under normal conditions. When salt or mineral mixture is not used in their feed, they often start eating soil. Animals also start eating soil when using moldy items such as moldy feed or silage is fed to them. To prevent eating of soil, it is recommended that the mineral mixture developed by GADVASU Ludhiana may be fed by 2 percent in the ration of the animals. Also, do not use moldy feed items.
The outer layer of red blood cells in animals is composed of phosphorus and fatty substances (phospholipids). When the right amount of phosphorus is not available to the animals through diet, their blood cells becomes deficient in it. As a result, the outer layer of red blood cells becomes weak. When these red blood cells pass through the blood filtering organs, the spleen, their outer layer breaks down easily and the red hemoglobin in them enters the bloodstream. Such blood flows to the kidneys. Over time, hemoglobin mixes with the urine, causing it to turn red.
This problem usually occurs in the third calving due to an unbalanced diet. To avoid this problem, the farmers are always advised to use only phosphorus-rich mineral compounds. The mineral mixture is available at all times at the University's Farmer Information Center, Regional Research & Training Centers and Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Further, sodium acid phosphate can also be given to cows for treatment of this disease. You can contact your nearest veterinary hospital for treatment.
Pregnant animals should always be given easily digestible green fodder. In the last months of pregnancy, feeding large quantities of straw results in hardening of faeces, as a result, the animals begin to feel pain. They keep kicking their legs in the lower part of the abdomen. They also lie on the ground when the pain is more intense. This problem is worsened by drinking too little water or poor quality water.
To get rid of the problem, provide animals with extract of bitter apple. It is advisable to get the drinking water tested. Provide animals with intravenous saline from a doctor.
The animals shall be provided with straw after sifting. Straw made with reaper has a lot of dust and soil particles in it which are inhaled by animals due to which animal sometime sneezes or coughs. Small particles of straw or dust, sometimes stick to the mucous membrane of nose and inner respiratory passage causing inflammation. For treatment, animal shall be provided with liquorice and ammonium chloride for a week. Coughing can also be due to respiratory illnesses like pneumonia which shall be ruled out after getting advise from a doctor.
This condition arises due to poor maintenance. When bacteria enter the udder through the teats, they convert the sugar (lactose) in the milk into acid (lactic acid). This acid converts the milk into flakes and clots it. When bacteria ruptures the milk alveoli, the milk becomes watery and due to mixing of blood, it attains red color.
To prevent this condition, care must be taken so that the bacteria may not enter the udder of the animal. The teats should be washed and dried before milking. After milking, the teat dip made up of betadine and glycerin should be used. The floor should be kept clean at all times. Do not use sodium bicarbonate at free will as it alkalizes the pH of the milk in which the bacteria can survive for longer durations. On seeing flakes in the milk, consider it as an emergency and the animal treated from a veterinarian.
Hemorrhagic fever in cows is usually caused by the presence of ticks in the farm. It is treated with a medicine called Berenil. The injection is given in small doses at two or three places in the neck muscles. Sometimes quacks inject all the injection at one place. In such cases, the neck is sometimes swollen. If no fluid has accumulated in the swollen area, massaging the area with the palm of the hand reduces the swelling in a few days. If fluid has accumulated in the swollen area, it means that the injection was not given with a sterile needle. Microorganisms enter the muscles of the area and cause inflammation. At the same time some toxins are also produced in the swollen area. Due to which the muscles and the adjoining parts start melting. All this starts accumulating in the form of fluid. We call this as closed abscess, which needs to be treated surgically.
If the needle gets stuck in the spinal cord or the medicine gets too close to the spinal cord while injecting the drug into the neck, then the animal feels a lot of pain. To reduce this pain, the animal turns its neck in the same direction. Therefore, the injection shall be injected by a veterinarian who has complete knowledge of all the internal parts of the neck.
When the dairy farms are in the fields or outskirts of village, the farms are infested with flies. There are two types of flies - one called Hypoderma lineatum and the other Hypoderma bovis. These flies lays eggs on the body of the animal. These eggs hatched due to the body heat of the animal and the larvae enter the body of the animal through hair follicles. They travel from place to place under the skin causing distress to the animal. During later stages, the bugs become three centimeters long forming hard black colored wrinkles on the body of the animal and comes out from the center of the wrinkles. Along with discomfort, these flies cause itching to the animals. Moxidectin injections can be given by a doctor to treat this. Mosquito nets can be used to protect against the attack of these flies.
When a venomous snake bites an animal, the venom enters the body of the animal through the venom glands present in the mouth of the snake. This toxin contains a variety of protein components. These components cause different types of damage to different parts of the animal body. When an animal, especially a buffalo or a cow, eats a dead snake, the risk of any kind of harm is much less. The venom in it mixes with the fluids in the stomach. Due to the acidic pH of animal stomach, the protein components present in the venom are destroyed. Due to which there is no harm to the animal. These animals have a large amount of microorganisms in their stomach which also neutralize the venom. One thing is to be kept in mind here, if there is any kind of wound in the stomach and the protein content of the venom gets into the blood through that wound then the animal may be exposed to poisoning.
No particles of any kind are usually excreted in the urine. They are excreted in large quantities in the urine when there is an abundance of undigestible particulate matter in the feed and fodder. When animals drink a small amount of water, these particles make the urine thicker and becomes more evident on hard floor. The feeds that increases particulate matter in urine are ripe millet and straw. Ripe millet contains oxalates. This oxalate is excreted out of the body through urine. Similarly straw contains a lot of silicates. As it is insoluble in water, its particles are also easily seen in urine. Gram husk, fluorine-containing DCP, large amount of calcite powder and when amount of acid insoluble ash is more than 5%, the amount of particles in the urine may increase.
In such a situation the animals should be given adlib fresh water. It should not be 'heavy' under any circumstances. At the same time, the chances of developing renal stones can be reduced by giving Cistone tablets with the advice of a veterinarian.
Body temperature of all mammals is almost constant. The thyroid gland helps to keep the body temperature constant. To produce or expel heat, the thyroid gland produces certain amounts of certain hormones (T3 and T4) which make the body temperature almost stable. The production of this hormone by the thyroid gland depends on the amount of iodine in the diet. If the amount of iodine in the diet of pregnant goats is less than required then the fetus does not grow properly and their thyroid glands become swollen.
Iodine deficiency can affect any animal, but it is most evident in goats. Iodine deficiency often results in stillbirth or death within a few hours of birth because the kids cannot keep their body temperature constant. Kids die due to a drop in body temperature from a certain threshold. To prevent this, iodized salt should be added to the diet of the goats. Other sources of iodine can also be used in the diet, such as potassium iodide or potassium iodate. Injections of iodine can be given to pregnant goats after the advice of a veterinarian.